Did you watch the previous episode of game of thrones? In beyond the wall, Jon Snow is marching with the Free Folk army of King-Beyond-the-Wall Mance Rayder. Mance explains that his army is a diverse group, formed of about ninety different groups or clans of wildlings, who speak seven different languages, and have numerous internal rivalries. However, he managed to unite them all by telling them the truth: that they will all die if they remain north of the Wall. Mance and his men then meet up with one of his advanced scouts, a man named Orell who is staring into the sky at an eagle. Mance says that he is a "warg", and Ygritte is surprised that Jon doesn't know what that is. Mance explains that a warg is a person who is capable of magically entering the mind of an animal with their own mind, seeing what it sees and even controlling its actions. Orell controls his eagle to scout for miles ahead of their army. Mance asks him what he sees, and Orell says he saw the Fist of the First Men - and many dead "crows".
In the north Bran Stark is having a prophetic dream in which he is walking and hunting in the woods, and sees the mysterious three-eyed raven again. As he aims with his bow, he relives his memories of when he was practicing archery with Jon and Robb, and hears the voice of his father Eddard (memories of a scene at Winterfell which happened in the first episode of the series). Bran shoots at the raven but misses, but then an unknown boy appears, who tells him that he cannot shoot the raven, because Bran is the raven. Bran awakens suddenly, worrying Hodor for a moment but he says he is fine. Osha says they have enough problems without dark dreams. Bran, Rickon, Osha, Hodor, and the direwolves Summer and Shaggydog continue to head north from Winterfell to the Wall.
In The Riverland Jaime Lannister and Brienne of Tarth are slowly making their way across country through the Riverlands, heading to King's Landing to make the prisoner exchange for the Stark girls (really, just Sansa). Jaime continues to mock Brienne along the way. Brienne is wary enough not to let Jaime out of her sight, even insisting on keeping him on his leash and watching while he urinates so he doesn't slip away. Jaime deduces that Brienne isn't from the North because he would have noticed her at Winterfell when he visited there, so (as she is from House Tarth) she must be a Baratheon supporter. She angrily denies supporting Stannis, thus confirming that she served Renly. Jaime accurately deduces that she fancied Renly, but points out that Renly wasn't attracted to women so much as he was to Loras Tyrell. Brienne says she doesn't want to hear his filthy lies, but he says that he knew Renly better than she did, reminding her that both of them spent the last 17 years living in the Red Keep, ever since right after Robert's Rebellion when Renly was just a child prancing down the halls. Jaime insists that Renly's homosexuality was actually "the worst kept secret at court" if she thinks he's lying. He continues to casually mock Renly which makes Brienne grab him, but he relents and says he doesn't particularly care that Renly loved Loras, as he feels people aren't free to choose the ones they love (which he knows better than most). They come across a farmer pulling a cart, who notices that they're cutting cross-country and avoiding the major roads, and suspects that they're avoiding soldiers. Jaime tells Brienne that he suspects the man is a scout meant to intercept them, and even if he isn't he can still spread word he saw them, so she had best kill the man, but she refuses.
Later, the pair have to cross a river, which means they can either attempt a dangerous crossing or take the bridge, which will probably be watched. Brienne takes the safer route of the bridge, but Jaime manages to distract her long enough to take away her spare sword and cut his bonds. Brienne and Jaime enter into an extended sword fight on the bridge. Jaime, one of the most skilled swordsmen in all of Westeros, nearly overcomes Brienne several times. However, Jaime's mobility is reduced because his hands are still manacled, and he is malnourished after having spent the past full year chained up in a cell. Jaime begins to tire, and Brienne wears him down further by making simple body-blows with kicks and punches. After a protracted fight Jaime finally slumps to the ground in exhaustion. Just then, riders from House Bolton arrive led by a man named Locke. Jaime asks if they want to negotiate, but Locke says they'll have his head if he doesn't bring the Kingslayer back to the King in the North, so there's not much Jaime can do to dissuade him from taking them prisoner.
In the next episode of game of thrones entitled "Walk of Punishment", Tyrion gains new responsibilities; Jon is taken to the Fist of the First Men; Daenerys meets with the slavers; Jaime strikes a deal with his captors.
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